Tips for glowing skin

Hi beautiful people!!✋

How about glowing all day long without using any cosmetic product...we all want to glow through out the day without putting in too much efforts or investing money in costly products ... So here in this blog i will tell you some of my tips to get glowing skin... Stay with me and say goodbye to all the products you have been using for ages....💜

So let's get started...


Papaya is a must have fruit in your fridge. It is not just useful to your skin but it also has so many properties to make your entire body healthy. Papaya has skin whitening properties and remove dead skin as well . It helps in clearing blemishes. Papaya has wonderful skin cleaning properties. It fights against acne and make your skin look clean and glowing.Papaya also helps in healing wounds.It also helps in lightening the dark spots and burnt marks. Here is my way of using it for glowing skin..

i. Take a bowl and add a small piece of papaya and mash it properly

ii. Add half table spoon of milk into this and mix it well to make a thick paste

iii. Apply it on your face and leave it for around 15-20minutes 

iv. Then rinse off the mask by gently massaging it with normal water to get the desired results.


So the next ingredient that is sitting in your kitchen is honey. Trust me honey can actually make you and your skin healthy. It helps in clearing acne, open the pores by clearing all the dirt particles that deposited in your skin pores. It's helps in moisturizing your skin and when mixed with other useful ingredients can give you extra beneficial results . It's benefits are uncountable so let's keep it sort and come to the point . Try this honey with milk to double the benefits and get glowing skin..Here's the trick  to make honey and milk mask... 

i. Take a bowl, add 2 tbs of honey and add 1 tbs of milk into this

ii. Mix it well to make a thick consistency mask

iii. Apply it evenly all over your face and neck

iv. Then rinse off after 10-15 minutes with lukewarm water.


Banana is one of the most delicious fruit to have as snack at any time of the day but you know it is also a very good source of iron, magnesium, potassium. It is also rich in vitamins like vitamin A,B,B6, C and E. Because of its rich source of vitamin C and E  it works as anti-aging agent and helps to make your skin look beautiful . Banana is not just beneficial to your skin it also keeps your hair healthy and strong . Banana makes your skin look glowing . Try it with honey for faster results..

i. Take a half cut banana in a bowl ,add 1 tbs of honey in it 

ii. Mix it well to make a thick consistency paste

iii. Apply it on your face and leave it for 10 minutes

iv. Then wash it off with normal water and see the result.


We all have already heard about the anti-aging properties and calming effect of coffee but do you know coffee is also helpful in brightening your dull skin and make you look beautiful in just 15 minutes by using it as a face mask. Coffee also helps in exfoliation and softening of skin. One can use this mask to get youthful and glowing skin....

i. Take a half cup of coffee in a bowl ,add 1 tbs of milk in this 

ii. Mix it well to make smooth paste like mixture

iii. Apply it on your face and neck for 15-20minutes and let it dry

iv. Then wash your face with lukewarm water and Pat dry to see the difference.


The most useful ingredient we all have in our kitchen is milk. Milk can do miracles to your skin and health. Milk can remove all the dirt particles by simply wiping your face with it. Just by massaging with milk for few minutes can make your skin look nourished and glowing. To get the maximum results of this wonderful ingredient try this mask on your skin...

i. Take a bowl ,add 1 tbs of honey and some coffee powder in it with milk to make thick mixture

ii. Mix all three ingredients well to make the mask 

iii. Apply it on your face evenly and let it dry for 10-15 minutes

iv. Then rinse it with normal water and see the glow.

6. GRAM FLOUR (besan)

Gram flour is one of the most useful ingredient. I personally prefer using gram flour for fighting against acne and get instant glowing skin.The zinc in the gram flour prevents from infectious bodies that cause acne.Gram flour has been using from centuries for skin whitening. It also helps in soothing inflamed skin. Gram flour works great if you have oily skin as it removes all the extra oil . 

i. Take a bowl , add 1 tbs of gram flour and then add 1 tbs of milk in this 

ii. Mix it well to make a smooth paste

iii. Apply it evenly on your face for 10 

iv. Then wash it by normal water while gently massaging your face to get the desired results.


Exfoliation can actually helps you get the glow on your skin. Exfoliation increases the blood circulation and this helps in making your skin look healthy,  youthful and clean. It also helps in removing dead skin . Exfoliation is really helpful and necessary if you are in your 30's because as we grow older the skin shedding slows down which make us look dull and sometimes it also make our skin dry and itchy. Exfoliation can be done once in a week to get healthier and glowing skin . If you want to use a home made exfoliator try this ....

i. Take a bowl add 2 tbs of brown sugar in it ,add 1/2  tbs of honey and 1/2 tbs of lemon juice

ii. Mix them well 

iii. Gently massage your body with it for 
5-10 minutes 

iv. Then wash it with cold water to seal your pores and moisturize your body well.

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